Wednesday, February 6, 2013


You know, life is an interesting journey.  99% of the time, it doesn't turn out how you expect it to.  There are extreme highs and lows and then there's the doldrums, where you're just so-so.  Sometimes, we can even be content.  Wow.  What a concept, eh?  Contentment.  How do we achieve that?

Today is my daughter's 5th birthday.  It's been an up and down kind of day so far.  The excitement of turning 5 and being the ultimate center of attention with gifts and cards and calls has made her a little bit whiny and I had to put her to bed for a bit!  I'm not taking a cranky 5 year old to Chuck E. Cheese's.  But, she's still learning to handle the ups and downs of daily life.  She has an excuse.

After I put her in her room, my dear husband sat down on the couch with one of those "don't even talk to me" looks.  I gently asked what was wrong and he replied that he was angry.  When I asked at what, he said, "life."  A myriad of things immediate ran through my mind,  however, the wise person in me kept from delving further into the topic.  I've learned when to leave him be.  Yet, I'm quietly contemplating what has got him so upset.

As all of us do, we are facing challenges.   You know, stuff like the car needs new tires desperately; we need to finish putting the trim down in the kitchen;  the window wells for the new basement windows need to be completed; we want to purchase this and that, which we may or may not really need.  I think that's what gets us in a tizzy - trying to balance our wants and needs.

Hubby has been a Crown Financial Budget Counselor for quite some time and we have integrated Crown's Biblical budgeting with the practicality of  Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  However, it's hard to stick to any budget, especially one that has you allocating every last penny.  We've been doing it for years.  But, there are certainly times, such as now, when it's really, really, hard to stick to it - and like it for that matter.

I know that some of his frustration and anger is at our financial situation.  Again, the wants versus needs thing.  I think the fact that at work they're going into contract negotiations next month has something to do with it as well.  I'm sure there's a little frustration at me and my lack of organization. I've made some progress on the house, but it's an arduous process for me.  I've been distracted with my sewing and perhaps I've missed something else.  I know we'd love to find that warranty paper on my health, but I'm pretty sure that expired a long time ago.

As Christians, I believe that we're expected to have mastered the Fruits of the Spirit as laid out in Galatians 5:22-23.  As I mentioned in a previous post, some of them are harder to master than others.  For me, it's self-discipline and patience.  For my husband, I believe it's peace and patience.  Peace.  Now, that's a concept!

Christ never promised us that life would be free of challenges, disappointments and frustration.  Quite the contrary.  He assured us that we would face even more trials because of our faith.  I believe He came to Earth as a precious baby, wrapped in flesh, so He could and would experience those trials and their subsequent emotions and difficulties so that when we get in the pit of despair and we look up at Him and say, "don't you understand how much this hurts, God?" that He can look back at us and say, "Yes.  Yes, I do."

But, He doesn't leave it at that.  He tells us in Psalm 55:22, "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." And again, in 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."  Let's not forget this, though.  Matthew 11:27-28:  Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (NIV)

I can hear a lot of "easier said than done" right now.  And, I do agree.  But, I was reminded yesterday when K and I were watching a video about the Bible and they explained what the word "testament" really means.  I forget the Greek root, but it essentially means, "promise."  So, not only do the stories, letters, and lessons in the Bible teach us about the promises of God, the Bible, itself, is a promise from God.  So, when I think of the chorus to Sanctus Real's song "Promises" and I hear "And hold on to the promises (Hold tight), Hold on to the promises (Alright), Jesus is alive so hold tight, Hold on to the promises," I am reminded that I must cling to God's Word.  I wish that for my husband, for my daughter, my mom, my neighbors, and of course, myself.  Then, we might get those concepts of contentment and peace.  But, that's for another post.

I guess what prompted this post is that I don't know what to say or do right now.  Life has got my hubby in a funk and I don't feel led to approach him right now without getting preachy.  So, I'll quietly pray and ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance.  I'll "hold tight" to the promises of God's word and try to rest in the knowledge that this, too, shall pass.  Life may stink from his perspective right now, but I know God's in control.  He knows the beginning, end and everything in between. Life (I mean, let's face it - the true culprit is the enemy) might be ruffling our feathers, but God has the tender, healing touch to soothe our souls, and He will if we let Him.

So, now my question is, "Is it too much to ask for an emergency treatment?"  :)

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