Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hearing the Love Song of God

Have you ever heard a song and thought, wouldn't it be nice if (fill in the blank) was singing it to me?  I know when I was younger, I swooned at the thought of a boy pledging his love to me through song.  Alas, that never happened, save for a dedication or two. 

Tonight was different, however.  At the close of our worship service at church, we sang a song that we have sang collectively on many previous occasions.  I began singing along with everyone else in the room, but before I knew it, tears began to creep into my eyes and I was kneeling on the floor.

Here is the chorus we sang:

"You are the love of my life
You are the hope that I cling to
You mean, more than this world to me
I wouldn't trade You for silver or gold
I wouldn't trade You for riches untold
You are, You are my everything."
(Hillsong United "You Are")

While the rest of the room was pouring their heart out to their Creator, I heard a still small voice, deep within me, whisper "This song is for you."

About now, you might be thinking, "Yeah, right, Michelle.   God doesn't say things like that (nor does He speak to people)."  And, I would have to strongly disagree with you.  He did, indeed speak to me, and much more at that!

As I listened to the harmonies around me, I continued to hear Him speak to me.  I tried to survey the room and as I did, I began to feel a sadness that was not my own.  I began to identify the feeling that someone who is very close to the Lord shared with me and I understood it.  The Holy Spirit was grieving. 

It may sound strange for me to say that when I know, in fact, that the praise of God's people were being lifted up to Him.  But, I heard something much different deep in my soul.  And, here is what He said (which He had me write during the remaining choruses):

” I love you so much that I gave my life for you - the very life of my Son - the very breath of heaven, poured out to redeem you. The words of this world are hollow and fleeting. I want more of you than your lip service. I want your every thought, every emotion, every secret, every worry, every joy, every sorrow, every praise. I love you more than you can ever fathom. "Don't praise me with your lips and dishonor me with your mind, body or spirit. "The very Spirit that rose my Son from the grave lives in you.  Allow Him to move in and through you. "I AM your ever present hope and salvation. "Come and drink from My Well."
 "Oh, if they only knew.  They praise me in one minute, and curse me in the next.  They hold each other to a higher standard than they hold themselves.  Do they not know that I see them?  I see deep within their hearts and they cannot hide from me."

Our pastor had just finished a sermon on finding God in the secret place.  This concept is not new to me as I have been under the teaching of someone who has been groomed in the secret place.  What is the secret place, you ask?  It's the place where you and I meet with God, individually, with no pretense and no filter.  Where our sins are laid bare and our souls are stripped down to their core.  It is the place where God lives in us and through us.  It is where the depth of our relationship with our Heavenly Father is measured against the plumb line of God's righteousness, His grace, and His mercy. 

You and I are at war. . . a war for the very essence of our being. . .a war for our eternal souls.  When do we stop and see that our lives are more than just hollow existences on a blue and green spinning orb?  When do we stop believing the lies of this world and realize that our true worth lies in the eyes of our Creator?  The enemy is powerless without God's divine intervention.  Nothing is outside the reach of God.  While we may  never understand the nature of the battles to which we have been called to fight, we must look to the Author and Finisher of our faith, the very Breath of Heaven, Himself, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, our Redeemer.  Our peace can only be found in utter surrender to the One who has already won the war and secured our future victory.

I know I've said it before, and I believe it is worth repeating, if you or I were the only one on the earth, Jesus would still have come to save us!  Can you not hear the ache of His heart? 

”I love you so much that I gave my life for you - the very life of my Son - the very breath of heaven, poured out to redeem you. . .I love you more than you can ever fathom."

"I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.  I and the Father are one.” (John 10:28-30)

God wants to love us.  He has already displayed the ultimate expression of His love for us at the cross.  But, He will not demand it from us.  He is a righteous and just God, who is tender and kind.  He is a gentleman and will not force Himself on a hardened heart.  But, more than anything, God wants us to come to Him, crawl into His arms and finally experience the peace that our soul longs for.  Oh, for our hearts to long for Him as David's did! 

As the deer pants for the water
So my soul longs after you
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you

You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone will my spirit yield
You alone are my hearts desire
And I long to worship you

 I want you more than gold or silver
Only you can satisfy
You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye

 You're my friend and you are my Father
Even though you are my King
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything
(Martin J. Nystrom)

Again, you can read that song from the perspective of the worshiper, longing to commune with his Creator. 

But, if you listen closely, you can hear the Creator softly singing back, "As the deer pants for the water, So My heart longs after you,.You alone are My heart's desire And I long to be loved by you."

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