Saturday, March 5, 2016

Failure is not an option!

Have you ever had that feeling that you if you just had one more day, one more hour, one more ounce of "umpf" in your step, that you could reach your final destination or goal?  I know I do.  I've had so many thoughts swirling around in my head, ideas, inclinations, and yet, the Lord impressed upon me to think on the story of Joshua and the City of Jericho.

We all know the story.  God told Joshua that Jericho was His.  He gave Joshua instructions on how to conquer the city (see Joshua 6).  The familiar children's hymn comes to mind, "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho.  Joshua fought the battle of Jericho and the walls came a-tumbling down."

The thought occurred to me, what if Joshua hadn't completed the full seven marches around the city over the course of seven days?   What if he stopped just short of the finish line?  Would the walls still have fallen down?  Would the annals of history been the same? 

While I could amuse myself with the possible alternate outcomes, the bottom line is this:  we will never know.  My gut feeling is that the walls wouldn't have come "a-tumbling down."  In fact, I don't believe that the Lord would have allowed Joshua to fail.  I think He would have given Joshua a good talking-to and sent him to finish what he had begun.  I don't believe that failure was an option for Joshua.  And it's not an option for you or I either.

I can hear some of you of saying, that's ridiculous!  Failure just happens. It's how we learn. Didn't Edison prove that with the light bulb?  However, I would tell you that we are not talking about the same thing.

I know I've written before about knowing who we are in Christ.  Our identity in Him is the foundation upon which we build our lives.    If we do not know who we are, we cannot accomplish our purpose.  And we cannot be without purpose.   Purpose is what drives us to succeed.   We fail when we do not know how to succeed.  But, we have been given everything we need to have victory in life.

Paul said in Hebrews 12:1-4
So then, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us, too, put aside every impediment — that is, the sin which easily hampers our forward movement — and keep running with endurance in the contest set before us,  looking away to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting, Yeshua — who, in exchange for obtaining the joy set before him, endured execution on a stake as a criminal, scorning the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Yes, think about him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you won’t grow tired or become despondent.  You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in the contest against sin.
I have to be honest.  I have read that Scripture multiple times, but as I was just reading it again, I saw something that struck me differently this time.  "...put aside every impediment — that is, the sin which easily hampers our forward movement — and keep running with endurance in the contest set before us,  looking away to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting..."  What is it that hampers our forward movement?  Sin.  What sin, you ask?  Any.  Sin is sin.  Whether we believe our sin to be "little" or "big," it's all the same to God.  But, there is something else.  Whom do we look to? ”. . . to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting..."   Our forward movement is entirely dependent on our trust in God. (check out my post here for more on that subject)  Without our trust in Him, we are merely stopping short of what we are called to do and the fulfillment of all that God has purposed for us 

Joshua put his trust in God.  He took of his shoes.  (Joshua 5:15).  In biblical times, removal of your shoes was to give up your authority over yourself.  It was a complete act of submission.  Not only did Joshua obey, but he trusted God for the future.  His declaration is probably  hanging in your home or in the very least, you have recited it over your family:  "As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!" (Joshua 24:15) But what would have happened if Joshua hadn't had enough faith in the God of his ancestors to complete the assignment at Jericho?  Would we still have that declaration to speak over our homes today?

Joshua understood the importance of moving forward in God.  He didn't question the command to march around the city.  He trusted and obeyed (more on that here).  It took a lot of faith to take a city without an embroiling battle.  For a warrior of God, marching in silence had to be difficult to do.  Yet, we are called to move forward in faith.   Jesus didn't die on the cross so you and I could stand by and be idle!  Blessings need our participation to come to fruition!  We must complete the assignment as it is given, and not stop just short because we can't see the outcome.  We have to believe that God's outcome is far better than what we hope for and perseverance will pay off!  So often we stop just one or two steps from our being able to sound the trumpet of victory and we never even know just how close we've come.

". . . Keep running with endurance. . ."  Keep on marching around your Jericho.  You have everything you need to succeed inside you! 

Failure is not an option in God.  Our victories have already been won.  It's up to us to claim them.

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